hope everyone liked my dad's introduction.
Even if i know future contributor Meor One will come to fantasy's rescue, i feel i have to say something myself.
Thing is, fantasy is not for everyone.
Thing is, fantasy can be divided in many, many categories.
It is NOT limited to elves in trees, dwarves in mountains, and barbarians from the north. Sometimes elves live in caves! (Sorry, i mean.. Drow)
Anyways. It is unjust of my father to say that fantasy is only for retarded children, and then give Eragon as exemple.
I know how he feels though, i don't read a lot of fantasy myself since i feel it repeats itself a lot. Dragonlance original trilogy is a classic though.
I do understand why they put Science-Fiction in the Fantasy department though... i think. But if you ask me, Horror fits more in the Fantasy section... well, supernatural horror at least.
But, to make everyone happy, there is a mix of the science-fiction and fantasy styles that i am particularly fond of... Cyberpunk.
SitOne of the often overlooked series, of couse, would be Shadowrun.
A variant of D&D mixing technology, a dirty future, evil corporations, elves, orcs, magic, implants, and... well, you get the idea. Think LOTR meets Blade Runner. I heard many a great things about this universe, and if i was geek enough to play D&D regularly, well i'd be playing Shadowrun instead.
I was personally introduced to the universe through the Shadowrun game on the Sega Genesis, of all places.
My mind would get an erection whenever i'd see this:
hope everyone liked my dad's introduction.
Even if i know future contributor Meor One will come to fantasy's rescue, i feel i have to say something myself.
Thing is, fantasy is not for everyone.
Thing is, fantasy can be divided in many, many categories.
It is NOT limited to elves in trees, dwarves in mountains, and barbarians from the north. Sometimes elves live in caves! (Sorry, i mean.. Drow)
Anyways. It is unjust of my father to say that fantasy is only for retarded children, and then give Eragon as exemple.
I know how he feels though, i don't read a lot of fantasy myself since i feel it repeats itself a lot. Dragonlance original trilogy is a classic though.
I do understand why they put Science-Fiction in the Fantasy department though... i think. But if you ask me, Horror fits more in the Fantasy section... well, supernatural horror at least.
But, to make everyone happy, there is a mix of the science-fiction and fantasy styles that i am particularly fond of... Cyberpunk.
SitOne of the often overlooked series, of couse, would be Shadowrun.
A variant of D&D mixing technology, a dirty future, evil corporations, elves, orcs, magic, implants, and... well, you get the idea. Think LOTR meets Blade Runner. I heard many a great things about this universe, and if i was geek enough to play D&D regularly, well i'd be playing Shadowrun instead.
I was personally introduced to the universe through the Shadowrun game on the Sega Genesis, of all places.
My mind would get an erection whenever i'd see this:
Ooooh yeah... So much fun.
Well, there's nothing much to say, i just had another blast from the past while writing this here post and HAD to put up pictures of that Sega game.
I do like posting pictures.
Allright... let's put one more picture.
Because i was just about to forget, the master of the cyberpunk realms would not really be Shadowrun, but more accordingly Warhammer 40,000.
Does that make you SALIVATE or WHAT???
For anybody not familiar with Warhammer 40,000, it is the futuristic version of a tabletop war game called Warhammer, simply.
But it is oh, so dark.
A huge selection of races, mythology, weapons and vehicules are already heavily described all around the net, and it makes for hours of fun discovering this insanely huge and popular universe. There is simply too much to say about this tabletop game, videogame, painting hobby, comic book and novel world to fit in one blog.
And hey, is a chainsword cool or what.
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