Here's a Draconian being grumpy in the morning. It's either the ones taking over the world as we speak, or the Dragonlance ones. You decide.
Well, at 25, after a 4-year break, i decided to go back to school. This means that i started doodling again, and that i am exposed to a whole new class of douchebags (no pun intended. Fuck you it was totally awesome.)
I guess school fees give you the right to walk and talk like a bitch when you're a girl, and to think you're an awesome and super-intelligent dude when you're a man. When you're a man you also get to walk around with a smirk, dreaming of being a high-impact warzone journalist.
One dude wears a tophat.
This other girl makes me think of my cat.
And this one other guy always argues respectfully with a 56-year old man in school, about really unimportant stuff.
When you have a blog you can also say oh yeah i have a blog, i have many interesting interests and need to be creative in my life. I guess i'm an artists. The internet is my canvas and the words, my paint.
Say that to chicks they are bound to let you smell their hair!
Assuming they have hair.
ReplyDeleteA good scalp sample is often offered in compensation.