Monday, December 3, 2007

August Comics Reviewed.

Original post 12 Sep 2007

Well, i don't have anything urgent to do at work this morning, so figures i'll try to review as many comics from August as i can before someone throws something my way.

Before i start, the official Iron Man trailer is out, and it's pretty friggin' sweet. And on you can see some conceptual art from the upcomming video game. Let's just hope Iron Man is more useful in his own game than in Ultimate Alliance.


Just when i thought the series was about to go nowhere, they give us this great issue! I have no idea where the writer is heading, but i bet it's something good. This series rarely disapointed me so far and the art is cool. SPOILERS: Antman gets captured by that agent of SHIELD who hates his guts, since he's in the hospital after getting hit by Hulk. The SHIELD agent kidnaps him and proceeds to torture him 'cause he hates him so much! He event puts on the Antman suit and goes INSIDE our unlucky ''hero''! Saved by Iron Man, Eric O'Brady (is that his name?) double-crosses both the SHIELD agent and the Cat Burglar in order to appear innocent!


Don't be fooled by the cover, you won't see any of these characters in the issue. But the drawings are still very cool and the story very interesting. This is one series i reccomend, and it will be worth it to buy it in TPB. The Illuminati continue to explain and explore certain Marvel Universe plotholes and to fix problems! I would have given it 4 stars but we didn't really need these filler pages of heros talking about marvel women in the beginning. Classic Bendis crap to make the characters talk about mundane stuff to make 'em appear more human. SPOILERS: Someone mentions that a super-powered Kree (that kid we saw in Runaways during Civil War) is emprisoned somewhere after having declared war on Earth and that if they could convince him to join our ranks he could do some great work as Marvel Boy. Every member of the Illuminati has it's shot and own way to try to convince him. I especially like how Namor approaches him: He just kicks the crap out of him, telling him he could never take over the earth and he's just a spoiled brat.

THOR 2 **

Thor is back on earth! Very disapointed so far! The drawings are great, but the storyline is really dragging. I'm gonna pick up 3 to see how Thor interacts with Iron Man. I mean... the man cloned him and had him kill one of his friends and double-crossed everyone else... SPOILERS: Thor resurects Asgard in Kansas or something, and is alone in his big castle. He has to re-awake every Asgardian god whose personas are sleeping amongst the generale population. Sounds familiar? Did you read the last title of Eternals? Yup, it's the same thing.


Honestly, i don't really remember that issue. That means it wasn't memorable. I am really disapointed in this whole event so far, and i don't like JRJR's stuff, so 2 stars for this sucker. I am waiting for 5 though, wich i think will be pretty cool if all the fighting they announced really takes place. SPOILERS: It's time for Dr.Strange's attack on the Hulk. He first tries to calm him with his astral form and some spells, wich obviously don't work because Mr. Hulk is PISSED OFF. He gets his hands broken by Hulk while in Astral form and it breaks his REAL hands, explain to me what's up with that. Anyways, at the end of the issue Dr. Strange releases an ancient evil to take care of Hulk. I kinda want to see what's going to happen next. But since all the other titles are already past that point, my bet is that Hulk beats Strange without any problem.


What a boring issue! Amadeus Cho continues his crusade to help Hulk, even though Hulk beats up everyone. The art is allright, nothing special. The story is dragging along. Will Marvel fuck up yet another hugely promising event? SPOILERS: Hulk captures everyone he beats up and puts Obedience disks on them, the same ones that he received when he was on that other planet. And he is building a huge stadium for everyone to fight in, i believe. Let's hope the next issue includes a lot of SMASHING.

NOVA 5 ****

Allright. This issue gets 4 stars instead of 3 because I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE HELL THIS IS GOING! Art is not so bad, but the story really keeps you guessing what's going to happen! SPOILERS: Richard Ryder is almost dead. Gamora is controlled by that alien lifeform and is looking for him. Some of the Nova force is dispensed to a Kree female so that she can defend Richard Ryder from Gamora, but she uses the powers to attack the aliens that want to kill her people. While she's away, Gamora finds Richard and infects him with the same hive-biotechnological-alien-thingy that is controlling her. So yeah, what the hell's going to happen next? I love Richard Ryder, don't kill him please!


I think everyone in the comics community can agree that this is a HUGE letdown, especially for canadians. I HATE SCOTT KOLINS. I hate his old style, i hate his 'critically acclaimed' new style. I think people say it's good just out of pity. And please, Michael Oeming, take a break. After fucking up a classic title and stuffing a team full of random characters (Beta Ray Bill wants to help the canadian government? But he's an alien! And isn't his race looking for a new planet or something? I think that's a little more important!). The only cool thing in there was the Wrecking Crew. SPOILERS: Well, everybody beats up on everybody. Turns out the Wrecking Crew was powered up by some ancient devil. Guess what? It's the same race that Beta Ray Bill fought against. I should have seen this coming months ago. So there's a huge fight, Wendigo goes berserk and Totema or whatever her name is calms him down. The new Guardian redeems himself and Beta Ray Bill sacrifices himself to stop the demon invasion. Sounds like a lot of cool stuff is happening, but you've seen all that kind of stuff in the good old saturday morning cartoons of the 80s.


Pretty cool story arc, but i think it could have all been said in 2 issues instead of 4-5. The cover might seem like the biggest lie ever, but i think it's about Spider-Man burying Peter Parker. SPOILERS: So in this arc Peter Parker, not Spider-Man, beats up Kingpin within an inch of his life, and transfers Aunt May to another hospital. This was all illegal and so Peter Parker is going all emo, saying he is now a criminal, the very thing he has always fought about. Boo-fucking-hoo. Everybody dies around him, why should he care anymore. I'm surprised he hasn't gone psycho yet! It's definetly time for a good old Spider-Man arc or this character will lose the little credibility he still retains.

Allright, i have to go do some work now, so on a quick note, this repulses me!


Yes, you are not tricking you. Spider-Man and Red Sonja. I looked through that issue at the comics shop and it looks completely stupid. Spider-man travels back in time or something, and i guess he'll fight Red Sonja but they'll team up to fight a greater evil.

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