Monday, December 3, 2007

A blog about blogs?

Original post 05 Jun 2007


I don't know how it all started... That whole blog phenomenon. Or why it's called blogging. It... blogges the mind! Or is it boggles?

Anyways. I like blogs. You can read about anything, from anyone, all you need is internet access. And then one day i decided that i too was going to play the blog game and start ranting. That's what my first blog was about. Things i hate. It mysteriously disapeared from my profile i just noticed. Weird. But anyways.

I then started to do a blog about comics, inspired by Brian Labelle's Civil War review. And then i thought i was addicted to the shit, and on top of that i didn't have anything to do at work so i started to write all the time.

Thing is, most of it was crap. So i started browsing through blogs on myspace today, looking for inspiration. Then i realised, most of the stuff is exactly that: about nothing!

And a lot of people read those. I don't know if it's because they received an invitation and felt compelled to leave a comment. What a devious technique in order to earn Kudos! Some of those "most popular blogs" were about this dude who's sitting on his couch and has trouble with wires... I mean, how bored are you! hahaha.

Maybe it's because humans are always trying to find something that they can rely to, that they can identify with. Anything will do. Oh, this person eats the same breakfast as i do! 2 kudos!

Kind of pathetic. But then again, who am i to judge? I get drunk alone playing Titan Quest and Battlefield 2...

While we're at it, might as well tell you about my personal life... I've always had a thing about mythology. Maybe that's why i don't take today's religions seriously... But anyways. And i'm still trying to find a purpose in life, revolving largely around comic books. I like to write short stories or ... gasp... blogs, and i've had some nice comments about one or the other so i thought - hey, maybe i should become a writer! And the first tip i read was: read a lot. So there i am, reading my old unfinished Dragonlance novels, and buying books about mythology. I like the egyptians and greeks, mostly. So if anyone has a good starting-point book to suggest, feel free to... suggest!

Wow! Way to talk about nothing... a true blogger!

Have a horrid day everyone.

P.S. What the hell does Exanimate means anyways.

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