Monday, December 3, 2007

A few comics reviewed, just for Angus.

Original post 08 May 2007

Hey hey hey! I got nothing better to do at work, so why not catch up on my comics review blog that i'm always too lazy to do! (Why make an effort when i can just go over to Karim's, smoke pot and play Magic all night? I swear i just heard someone say 'Loser' in the background...)

I have to drop some titles now, 'cause i want to save money and Planet Hulk is comin' up...

So without further delay (i love to write that), here goes:


My my my. If i didn't pay nearly 5 perfectly good canadian bucks for this, i'd clean my ass with it. This issue is bad. I hate the art and the story. The only consolation is that they did not TOTALLY discard that whole 'The Other' event that took place prior to Civil War, regarding that weird humanoid-spider-alter-ego. When this arc is over, i'm droping the title, and so should you!


Okay people, bear with me. Planet Hulk wasn't THAT good, but it was still pretty fucking cool. This issue wasn't THAT good, but they are installing the mood for the up-and-coming major marvel crossover event (what they call an Annual these days) that will kick your ass into next week, hopefully. Pick it up if you feel curious! I know I am!

IRON MAN #15-16-17 : **

So much disapointment with this title so far. It sounded promising after Civil War, with big-time changes in the world of Tony Stark. But nothing fucking happens! Oooooh so he's at the head of SHIELD and runs it like a company... Oooooh so he makes fun of ex-director Hill. OOoooh he redesigned the Hellicarrier to match with his armor. What did you think was gonna happen? That they'd try to boost the story's almost absent action by doing this, and by bringing back an old-school villain like Mandarin? EXACTLY! I gotta admit though, the scene where he kills the people that came to rescue him is pretty fucking sweet. You'd think he'd just be a frail old man without his rings, but he's still fierce as ever. Going for another 'technology versus mysticism' brawl i fear! Another title dropped!


Nifty! More stuff about Marvel Zombies! Who knew this even that spun out of Ultimate Fantastic Four would be so friggin' delicious? (Brain-delicious)! The franchise seems to be running out of ideas already though, throwing Ash from the cult series Evil Dead in the fray. Direct crossover from his own series, where i'm told he dies in the last issue. The first book of this arc was really interesting, but not as funny as Ash should be. The second one is just as good and weird, just not as good as the previous M.Z. stuff. It ends in a fucking cool cliffhanger though, wich is ruined in the third book that seems to lose a little bit of what makes it thick. I'm still going to buy #4 though! SPOILER: Ash gets his brains eaten by a zombie Howard the Duck! Awesome! But then you learn that it's Ash from the Marvel Zombies dimension, not the Ash from our (?) dimension. Anyways. Just read it to understand.


Nothing special about this. Classic 'looking back at the past' kind of story, focused half on Petey and half on M-J. I liked how they show that despite everything, the couple is still very much in love.


Pick it up! Wow! Baron Zemo is hurled through time, direct consequence of the events that took place in Thunderbolts' Civil War story! What's cooler than a former villain-turned-do gooder thrown in the past to witness and influence his family's story and lineage unfolding before his very eyes? With a very in-depth narration from Zemo himself, that sheds some light on what's quickly becoming one of my favourite characters (Dr. Doom, watch out!) Is he REALLY trying to be good after all? Seems that he is starting to despise his great family heritage, that would have not been so great if he had not been present in his past to influence his future that is actually his present!


First issue featuring Wolverine and an awesome artist (forgot his name, he works on New Avengers also, sounds asian). Good mix. Good story. Good dialogue. Incredible art. Pick it up, fool! I would have given this a 5-star rating, but #2 is VERY Disapointing. Focuses on Ms. Marvel and Spider-Woman (the one with the red suit), and has almost nothing to do with Captain America if i recall.


Okay. I DIDN'T pick that one up, but i did pick up the Black Panther issue it ties in with. Now i have to pick this one up. I didn't think that the new Fantastic Four team would be cool, but hey, Black Panther and the Thing... that's cool! Plus there's Galactus the Devourer and Silver Surfer the Soaring Sentinel of the Spaceways righto n the cover!!

SILENT WAR #1-2-3-4 : *****

Ghaaaa! I LOVE INHUMANS! Right on time with my Black Bolt statue, this issue was delectable! I was a little afraid about the turn of events that issue #2 was heading, but the folks at Marvel pulled it off. MAJOR changes for the Inhumans and it's royal family! We love change, right? Howzabout Black Bolt's dark side, Medusa's betrayal AND the official declaration of WAR from the Inhumans towards the USA! Fuck. Yeah.

WOLVERINE #50-51-52-53 : ***

Grrr... Boasted as THE fight between Logan and Creed... Presented as T HE event that will change the way Wolverine and Sabertooth would interact... back in issue #50. As i knew, they barely fight, nothing of consequence has hapened yet. They DO show us a kind of event that seems to be taking place a few thousand years ago, about this race of Lupine... Cat-like warriors with hairdo that ressembles Wolvie's. Please, please don't fuck up this character more than it already has! Let me remind you that now Logan has a cloned sister (X-23) and a long-lost son. It's kind of pushing the envelope. Don't fucking tell me Logan and Creed are the only descendents of a long-lost race of primitive cat-warriors PLEASE! I'm sticking with this title until it's resolved, and then dropping it.

X-MEN #197-198 : ***

Bah. Picked this one up to know where Cable was, since he vanished from the pages of Cable/Deadpool. Rogue is dying from a weird disease and this alien thingie is attacking Providence, Cable's little Utopia made of broken pieces of a machine that came from the future. Seems that little island is ALWAYS under attack. Give the man a break, he's our savior for mutant's sake! Not very good issues. I love the way Iceman is drawn though. There's some kind of uneasy romance building between him and Mystique and that's weird. But hey, she can be anyone you want! That makes for some pretty kinky stuff. Good enough for me. Dropping this tittle after the mile-stone X-men #200... Unless the next event, Decimation, proves to be good.

X-MEN: FIRST CLASS #1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 : ****

Surprisingly fun since issue #1, and now evolving into a monthly comic! I will NOT be buying that one, but i recommend the trade paper-back for some good old-school mutant fun.

CABLE & DEADPOOL #37-38-39 *****

Okay. I confess. I'm a huge Deadpool fan. And so should you. I was pretty fuckin' happy to see Deadpool back in the spotlight (Cable's in about 5 panels in the last issue, that's it) and tring to earn back his name as 'The Merc with a Mouth!'. Hilarious and original stories, especially issue #38. Sticking to that one for the 3rd year in a row! I lost the early issues and i'm going to buy them in trade paper-back since it's so good. Best stuff to come out in a WHILE. Except maybe issue 17 to 35. Most of them were bad.


How could they do it? I'm not talking about Marvel sticking a naked woman on their cover and throught issue 2 without censorship...I mean, here's a chance to rebuild the freakin' team for the 18293th time in 4 years (Thanks, Bendis! You don't have a clue what you're doing, are ya?) and put a cool cast of characters. The art is cool and the women are sexy, with big muscular legs and gracious figures, the colors are vivid and seem to jump straight in your face. BUT! You can leave it to Bendis to FUCK UP yet another classic title! Thought-balloons are back, and so far it's NOT a good thing. It was a little better handled in issue 2, but still sucks. Dialogues are bad, and the plot has a classic Bendis feel to it: have out-of-this world characters talk like ordinary people to give them some kind of realism. Dig up something classic for old-school fan-boys like... i don't know... maybe Moleman attacking New York? That should make 'em buy the title! AND THEN! Make something completely fucked up and devoid of sense happen just to grab the reader's attention! Like what you ask? Maybe like having Iron Man implode on itself only to be transformed into a luscious semi-flesh-metal female! A clone of The Wasp at that. Finally we get to see SOMEONE naked! And that woman is... a new and upgraded version of Ultron??? Would have been a surprise if they didn't spoil it on the website about 3 months ago. How does this happen? He'll figure a stupid excuse of an explanation by issue 5 i guess... Another series droped, so soon too!

MOON KNIGHT #7-8-9-10 : **

Come oooooooon Marvel, you didn't have to do this! Not to Moon Knight! First of all, take out that Civil War / The Initiative / Casualties of war banner from the cover page. It has NOTHING to do with that. Second, you could at least be a little more original with the covers! It's exactly the same except they switch the character on them, for each appearance they have. And what an astonishing appearance at that! All of the characters featured on the covers don't even appear more than 5 pages, total! And the story seems to be going nowhere! Thanks for destroying a cult-classic, AGAIN! Another title droped! Although, having the nemesis make Moon Knight swallow is own teeth is kinda cool...

And by the way, the new Ghost Rider series SUCK. #1 was bewildering, #2-10 should make good material to start a fire. To burn down the other crap comics. Kidding, i couldn't do that.

Well, the mailman's here, time to do some work. See ya in the funny books!

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