Monday, December 3, 2007

Rambling and Comics

Original post 17 May 2007

There was this girl in the subway this morning.

She was wearing leggings so tight, it looked like she was naked.

And she pulled it off. The legs and ass on that girl, i could have followed her all day, blankly staring at that perfect pound of round flesh bouncing around. Wow.

I wanted to walk up to her and just say: 'Hey, nice pants, sweet cheeks... butt cheeks!' Haha i'm lying. I just wanted to say: 'Sweet pants, nice ass!' But i didn't. I didn't feel like being slapped was going to make my day any better, so i just kept my mouth shut and my eyes open. It's still in my mind, that perfect pair of buttocks, and it is surely going in the Spank-bank, as Rich would say.

Enough with the daily perversions, here's the two last week's comics review AND recap, since i read the comics yesterday and i remember what it's about! (Can't you tell i got nothing to do at work?)

(Oh yeah, there's a new Fantastic Four 2 trailer on Jessica Alba looks skinny. Why? WHYYYY? You were perfect!)


So much anger... So much violence... So much darkness... All this to justify Petey's return to the black suit? Yeah, okay... Well, Spider-Man is pissed, and looking for the sniper that shot Aunt May, looking for the guy that sold the sniper to the hired killer, and looking for the man who hired him! Of course, we, as readers, already know that Kingpin ordered that sweet retribution. During the issue we get to see Spider-Man aknowldege that he has murderous intentions, and that Aunt May just fell into a coma. He also learns who ordered to put the trigger, and it doesn't disturb him one bit. He just has to sneak into the prison where Kingpin is kept to exact sweet revenge. ***Spoilers*** On you can get wallpapers, and one of them is Spider-Man pulling the sheets over someone who just died. Who could it be??? ***Ramblinb*** Okay, one or 2 issues back, Spidey goes back to the Chrysler Building to grab his old back costume, that he left in a web bag some time ago, in case he ever wanted to wear it again, so we learn. Except that Spidey's webbinb is supposed to disolve after 3 hours so that no one can learn how to reproduce it! But! Now his web is shot from his wrists like in the movies, it's not his web cardrige anymore... Colored me confused, as they say!


More Marvel Zombies stuff! With yet another take on a classic cover, Zombified. This month we get a super-wide cover. Each side expands to make it as large as 4 covers, enough to make the rendition fof X-Men #1 Jim Lee's classic 4 alternate covers! This story takes place before the first Marvel Zombies appearance, immediatly after the first people get infected with an alien disease. Pretty cool and quite evidently here to satisfy fans and close loopholes! The clerk at the comics shop told me the original Marvel Zombies series sold out up to the third re-print, and the trade paper-backs sold-out up to the second! I'm glad i got almost all the appearances from Ultimate Fantastic Four and almost all the alternate covers, each more delectable and classic than the previous! ***Spoiler*** We learn that Magneto is the cause of all of this, that the Avengers were the first to be infected, and we see a little more darkness in the soul of Reed Richards and Henry Pym! Are ALL smart guys turning evil these days?

NEW AVENGERS #30: *****

Slowly becoming my favourite series, with a cast of cool characters (except maybe for Spider-Woman, she's lame!). The art by LEINIL FRANCIS YU is quite simply mesmerizing (dunno how you spell that), and the attention to detail is spectacular. Bendis' work is better here than in Mighty Avengers, but he tries to sneak a few thought balloons in here, wich suck, since he adds ( and ) to them, confusing the confusion in my confused self. The story is quite good, with some twists and turns that i did not see coming, and for once the cover really represents the story! A few let-downs for me were the total absence of focus on the Silver Samurai, and the fact that ***SPOILER!!!*** Hawkeye is now Ronin. Completely stupid. The guy can shoot good, doesn't mean he's a ninja! BUT it sheds some light on that underdog of comics, and ties in with Fallen Son #3. ***Spoilers*** More on this Dr. Strange illusion stuff that has been taking place for 3 issues now. More on this Iron Man Is Lonely stuff, and the person they came to rescue from The Hand and Electra stabs Dr. Strange with a Katana. The team is beaten up. All seems lost. Can't wait for the next issue!

NOVA #2 : ****

Dammit! Now i'm really pissed! That issue was really cool and i missed #1! Not a lot of action, but a lot of other cool stuff. ***Spoiler***Richard Rider comes home after saving the universe from Annihilus, only to have neo-nazi Iron Man show up at his parent's crib with a strike squad of cape-killers. He asks to speak with Richard Rider, obviously want the new powerhouse on his side. Except Richard Rider is not the same as he used to be. He's shocked to learn about the registration act and the way the New Warriors are seen now, pissed that they discarded his warning messages about the Annihilation wave, makes fun of Iron Man (favourite line of the month, goes something like: While i was away, i led the resistance, pulled Annihilus inside out and saved the universe. What have YOU done, Tony?) and takes care of an old nemesis of his. The issue ends in a GREAT way, with 4 of the Thunderbolts coming to Richard Rider's house to investigate, obviously without Tony Stark's consent. Can't wait to see Nova's reaction to Penance, his old friend now turned completely screwed up and psycho, that Tony ommited to mention, of course. That sly, sly Mr. Stark. I voted for him as best villain of the year!


Great art, cool story, but not a must-see. More on Frank's obsession with Captain America.


After the relatively action-empty 2 last issues, this one is violent, packed with combat and action, and quite good! The art is not bad either, gives a unique mood to the title. I'm not saying anything besides Steel Spider = fuck yeah, just pick it up! (When i was a kid i had his first and only appearance, always found him really cool. Glad to see him back and about!)


I don't know why i'm still reading this. To know about Logan's son? The story is boring, the art is really bad, and i'm trying to save money! Droping it after this story arc!


Aw naw! Cable's back, and it only brings confusion to the friggin' title that was getting so good. Deadpool wins at Strip Poker, but we can't even see Outlaw's boobs. This title is very confusing but i still want to read #41 to know what happens next. Big changes for Cable, maybe? Even bigger than him recovering his telekinesis/telepathic powers after volunteering to be a alien conscience's host? AND! The struggle! Will he sacrifice himself to save humanity once again, or is he just too tired of that old game? Will he sacrifice Rogue, on her deathbed, as well?


Hawkeye is back, but he doesn't want to be Hawkeye anymore. No, Tony Stark would rather have him as the new Captain America! And that deadly accuracy would come in handy with that Vibranium Shield! A short confrontation with Patriot and the new Hawkeye (reflecting Cap and Hawkeye's old friendship) and further exploration of the 'Iron Man is lonely and needs a drink' theme. Pretty cool. I don't know why, but i don't like John Romita Jr's new style at all.


Oops! A sudden surge of interest in that title! Could it be that Frank Cho's sexy females are quite helping? Yes! And the story is a little better, with the thought balloons slowing down. And a sexy steamy scene with Dr. Pym and Tigra, interupted by S.H.I.E.L.D... Awwww.


Just as bad as the last 8 issues. Title droped. 'Nuff said.

UNCANNY X-MEN #486 : ***

Conclusion to the year-long arc that leaves the Shi'Ar empire and this X-men team split and scattered. ***Spoiler*** Charles Xavier's powers are back, Corsair dies (!!!!!!) at the hand of his own son Vulcan (!!!!!), half of the x-men team becomes the Starjammers as they are left stranded on a distant planet with the inter-stellar crew (!!!!). Pretty neat!

X-FACTOR #19 : ****

Wow. I wish i started reading this from #1. Pretty cool series. Dark detective story, with a sense of humor and... mutants! Quicksilver's demander plan and new powers, an ALMOST revelation to the other mutants of who is REALLY behind House of M (Quicksilver watch out!) and battles in Mutant Town.

Make Mine Marvel!

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