Monday, December 3, 2007

Waiting for the printer

Original Post 23 Jan 2007

I'm at work, waiting for the printer.

Actually, i'm waiting for the computer to send the files to the printer, who must then recognise all of them and then do his job of, you know, printing stuff.

I've now been waiting for 30+ minutes.

My first thought when i realised that was something like: ''We waste so much time every day of our lives, and often we don't even realise it''

Thing is, how can time go wasted? Every second has its utility.

For example. While waiting for the printer, i browsed Myspace, read Mystery Cookie's new blog, and started writing this one. There were some things done.

When you're waiting for the bus, that seems to be the biggest waste of time of all of eternity. BUT! Aren't you pondering, as much as you are rambling about the driver being late on its schedule? Maybe without even realising it, you are reviewing your day, thinking about what you are going to do once you get to the destination, or other more interesting stuff, like what's for supper, is she naked right now, and what the heck's the deal with Green Goblin these days!

Have you ever caught yourself thinking? It's the weirdest thing. Happened to me a few times. You're just walking home from the bar on a Thursday night, and all of a sudden you realise that tomorow you have a job interview. Without even willing it, you were planning your up-and-comming day!

Well, the printer should be done by now. Anyways, what i just realised is that, your brain will never let time go wasted, for he's always working.

Except when you're watching reality TV.

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