Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dark Avengers revealed!

Spoilers ahead! But that's why you're here, right?

Dark Avengers # 1---------------- 5/5

I was like... Hmm. ANOTHER Avengers title by Bendis. This guy really likes to make teams. I mean... this guy LOVES to make teams! It all started in the good old Avengers title. Then they were disassembled. The book was rightfully named Avengers: Dissasembled (Cap used to shout Avengers Assemble! when going in battle, remember? It's been so long. We miss you Cap.)
Then it became New Avengers. Then THOSE guys broke up during Civil War. Then the Mighty Avengers AND the New Avengers were created.
ALL of those titles were written by Bendis.
I wanted to pick up the title though, to know what that super-american-Iron-Man was all about.

What a pleasant surprise! This title is awesome! Well, all it does pretty much is showcase the new roster for yet another Avengers team, classic Bendis Avengers recipe.
First we are shown a double-splash page of all the new members. I like splash pages, people.

My first reaction was exactly this: Mkay... Quicksilver in a new suit, Sentry, Ms Marvel in her old costume, some dude in an Iron-Man armor, Ares, Wolverine... but he looks taller and less hairy than usual, Hawkeye and Spider-Man wearing his black costume.

Isn't Quicksilver completely off the map with all the mutant crap AND Inhuman crap he's involved with?
Isn't Sentry a good guy?
Isn't Miss Marvel with the Mighty Avengers?
Isn't Iron Man now an enemy of the state, War Machine... at war? Who's this guy?
Ares i can understand...
Isn't Wolverine in more titles than marvel-y possible? Why's he standing like he's got something up his ass? Why's he so tall? Why des he have a tattoo?
Isn't Hawkeye... Ronin? (Sometimes I really really hate you Bendis)
Isn't Spider-Man in the New Avengers? Is he still wearing his black suit? Because in his own title he's got the red n blue thights on...
Mister Bendis, you have some explaining to do!

Allright, so the issue starts with Norman Osborn contemplating his new new S.H.I.E.L.D. heli-carrier. He doesn't like the red n gold colors of Tony Stark so he's getting it repainted. Oh yeah, and he's remaining the organisation H.A.M.M.E.R....
Then he fires Miss Hill.
Then he talks with Bullseye... Tells him they are moving to Avengers tower.
Ms. Marvel is invited to Avengers tower. She is drawn standing like a slut. I know she's wearing a thong but nobody stands like that. She is basically told to get the fuck off the team, and that Ares and Sentry are staying with the Avengers. So if she's off the team, who's the babe on the cover?
Moonstone! Norman Osborn's other team leader. She was field leader in the Thunderbolts but was recently decomissioned. Osborn shows up at Thunderbolts Mountain with a costume of Ms. Marvel. OOoooh! I like where this is going!
We are then shown Venom, absolutely HUGE, being fed Skrulls. Yeah. Then he receives a pill from Osborn, goes into shock, and then reappears looking quite normal... So this is actually Venom on the cover, NOT Spider-man! I like where this is going more and more! And he's shown in the classic pose when Spider-Man first discovers the black suit, back in Secret Wars... Nice little touch there.
After that, we see Daken Akihiro. Who? Haven't you been reading Wolverine Origins, that really baddly written and poorly drawn (for a Marvel comic anyways)? He's Wolverine's son. He's got 2 claws, healing factor, a tattoo, and Teenage Angster. Only he looks more like he's in his mid-twenties though. Bad temper and mutant genes run in the family i guess... He is recruited for his fighting abilities, and also to ''tick off his dad''. Hehe!
Then, we meet Noh-Varr. Who? The guy that looks like Quicksilver? Well, a quick research on wikipedia lets me know he used to be Marvel Boy. Weird. Then i remember that he was that asshole during Civil War that declared war on earth. During Secret Invasion he changed his mind. Osborn is actually giving him what he needs: a second chance. As the new Captain Marvel.
We are also shown how Osborn gets to open the Iron Man armor vault, so that means that the American Iron Man is actually Osborn! Sick!
And from what I gather, Bullseye is the new Hawkeye. Makes sense.

So this issue is actually quite enteraining because of all the changes it offers. And you get to see Norman Osborn's plan unfold. He's going for something big. He's in power, and he wants to piss off some people...
We are also shown Dr.Doom battling Morgan Le Fey, so i gather he's going to be playing a big role soon.

All in all, a cool read, a perfect introduction point. Not as cool if you are not too familiar with all the characters showcased in the issue.

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