Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Funny how this blog always reflects my current interests.

If you scroll down you'll see video games, comics, youtube videos, D&D...

One thing i haven't talked about a lot is my love for board games.

I play them a lot, and i have many friends that enjoy them too.

Recently my good friend Marc got Agricola for x-mas. I won't go into the details of the game but i must say it's one the funnest board games i've been given to play. Even on the first play, everybody could get a chance to be competitive.

I'm currently in the business of designing board games.
I've been working on a card game for about a year now, all i have left to do is print cards and playtest it.
I've also been working on 3 different board games with 3 different people, most are stuck are the same stage, the one where i have to stop just throwing ideas around or doodling and start... ya know... building stuff.

Hopefully with school ending soon i'll have a burst of motivation and produce 1 game before 2011, at which point, you, my dear lonely reader, will be the first to know.

Besides me. I will be the first to know.

1 comment:

  1. prancing around in a little tutu with your roller blades!

    Skate boarding is a man's pass time !

