Thursday, January 22, 2009

Random Spotlight #2

Random Spotlight #2, on Sin-Eater!

(First one was on Crystar)

Sin-Eater, is very well described at this here link.

I first learned about him in a crappy Venom issue that my friend has, where he fights Venom with Bazookas and Machine guns. He is also way, way bigger, probably jacked up on steroïds (geez, what those bad guys are willing to do).
The real reason i like this character though, is because he was in a very memorable 3-issue run in Spider-Man. His second appearance in the title, offered something more than just brawls and guilt that the Wall-Crawler no-brainer issues usually showcase.

Spider-Man was at the time battling the always dangerous Electro, when he was confronted with a Sin-Eater very, very different. The man (Stanley Carter) that first wore the mask was now walking with a cane and suffered severe brain damage during his battle with Spider-Man, and he now stutters. Spidey is taken aback by this, thinking he probably forgot to pull his punches on him, wich can hurt a lot since our hero has the proportionate strenght of a spider.

Guilt of course started to work on Peter Parker, and so he was not able to properly fight Electro, thinking he could damage him permanently, even kill him. Electro, who realised this quick enough, took advantage of this.
But the most striking part of the 3-part arc is the ending... Quite sad and unusual for a Marvel of the time i would say...

I suggest that any Spidey fan get his/her hands on these issues:
The Spectacular Spider-Man # 134-135-136

***Spoilers to follow***
During the arc, we and Spider-Man realise that Sin-Eater and Stanley Carter are 2 different personalities.
At the end of the arc, we find Sin-Eater in full costume, backed to a wall, holding his signature double-barrel shotgun, holding a boy hostage.
The boy somehow gets free, and the police shoots down the villain.
Spider-man then runs to him, to ask why he did that. We find out that Stanley emptied the shotgun, without his Sin-Eater persona realising it, effectivily leading up to his death, this way ridding the world of Sin-Eater.
Stanley Carter, a hero?

Keep readin'!

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